Monday 3 December 2012

Web Based Employee Learning & Development

This HR function help employee perform effectively and efficiently in their job. Employees who perform usually organization will give benefit like bonuses, award and appreciation whereas employees who not perform will be sent for training like excellent customer services program or team building training program.

Web based employee learning and development or employee learning and development system help plan and observe the employee training, employee’s performance and career development. It is also help to analyze and recommend a effective training program and analyze which training program is succeed and 
based on employee performance appraisal.
Component of Employee Learning and Development System

There is five component of employee learning and development system. Every component have it own important function. First, employee personal information. This component is basic and essential to help manager know who is the employee are like the ID staff, employee’s name, age, address and their position in the company. Second, the performance before training. This component help manger to know their current performance of employee, which level of performance and education. All this can be seen using the Key Performance Index (KPI).  KPI will show to the employee what is their current achievement, which aspect to improve and much more. Third, training course. Based from this component, employee can determine the course code and name, module, date of training will be start and end, the trainer and subject matter experts, the training method as well as the length of course. This component can help employee to get the training information easily to ensure them prepare all of the job and personal things before going to the training program. Fourth, the transfer of training help employee use what they have learn, apply it into the organization while they perform their job. Learning that employee can get is from forum, video conference and outdoor skill training on the system. Last but not least, the program evaluation which explain how the employee will be rate. We can use various methods to evaluate, there will have evaluator in training, result and transfer of training.


Web based employee learning and development give a lot of advantages. Employees have their own authority to manage their learning like find themselves any suitable training. At the same time, this system improved employee computer skill and after they became skillful, they can find any information faster and cut a lot of cost if they use traditional paper-based system. Employees become empowered in performing their task. 


Michael J. Kavanagh, Mohan Thite and Richard D. Johnson (2011) Human Resource

Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions. SAGE Publications. 

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