Tuesday 23 October 2012


HRIS is build from a various elements and if one of the elements does not well function, it will cause all of the system fail. This is because, HRIS is one of the tools to help organization managed large portion of information in the organization like management, financial and human resource department, worker and supplier.

According to the efficiency of HRIS, employee need to take a look on many factors that derive the success of HRIS which include the type of HRIS technological architecture system, HRIS Organizational Model, the general model and many more. This entire factor can facilitate the ways information shared, update, use, store, deliver, present and manage.

            Lastly, organization should have batter knowledge to develop a batter HRIS System which can help organization gain effectiveness in productivity as well as profitability. It is because, with well managed information of the organization, the organization management will become more systematic inside and outside as well as the accurate result gain from valid source of human resource information. 

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