Tuesday 23 October 2012

HRIS System & HRIS System Architecture

HRIS System

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is the collaboration of databases, application of computer, hardware and software needed to collect or record, store, manage, deliver, present and manipulate data from human resources (Broderick and Boudreau, 1992). Applying HRIS into organization system help organization become more efficient in managing their human resource data and information.

In one hand, HRIS should give benefit to the organization such as easily get the accurate information, faster in getting the information as well as the saving of cost (Lederer, 1984; Tetz, 1973; Wille and Hammond, 1981). In the other hand, HRIS also have it barrier to be apply. According to Beckers and Bsat (2002), the major obstacle in implementing HRIS is the setting up cost will be high. Lack of support from the top management is also the factor of why the HRIS is hard to be implementing beside the insufficient of money (Kovach and Cathcart, 1999). This barrier can lead to not achieving the full potential of HRIS. Other than that, the need of HR knowledge by HRIS designer is also important to ensure the system is trully support the process of storing and getting the HR information.

HRIS System Architecture.

            In HRIS, there are 3 type of HRIS technological architecture system which is Standalone System Model, Data Warehouse Model and Single Integrated Model. All this 3 architecture have their own differences such as the suitable of organization, the ways of transferring data, the ways of operating and many more.

            Standalone System model is the most basic model. This system model can be categorize in the difficult system to do the analysis. It is because, they are using its own independent system while runs each operating units without integration. It is not effective in doing a decision making and waste of time. It can be used in multinational organization. The way of information will be update usually using fax, telephone, mail and in person.

            Data Warehouse Model is more linkage and also batter than standalone system model. The data update automatically from all operating unit. Beside all units run same version of the software, it also maximizing resources, saving costs, shared application and enterprise in dealing with vendor. It can be used in international organization.

            Single Integrated System Model suite for the global and transnational organization. It connects directly with database. Its also using the same screens worldwide with appropriate changes for different language in different country. 


E.W.T. Ngai and F.K.T. Wat. (2006) Human resource information systems: a review and empirical analysis. Personnel Review. 35 (3), 297-314

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