Tuesday 23 October 2012

Transnational HR System

There are 4 types of HRIS Organizational Model which is Multinational, International, Global and Transnational. The great thing of Transnational HRIS organizational model is it a mixture of multinational, international and global organizational model. Transnational is a current era of Information System according to nowadays increasing globalization.

            Global HRIS Organizational Model can be called one size fix all. It is because Global HRIS is centralized and very low flexibility. Global HRIS is focusing in maximizing efficiency and also focus on build a single standardized organization within a similar operating environment.

            International HRIS Organizational Model is focus on innovation and learning. It show the balance between central oversight and local autonomy. The advantages for this HRIS organizational model is it share cross border learning and innovation. It help the transfer and adaptation of knowledge and information to the other business units from any country that develops it. In other word, one information is made, all of the units across country also get the information update automatically. This model also not completely changes country system as a whole.

            Multinational HRIS Organizational Model can be seen as have many branches, based on country needs, localization and customizations. It has a high flexibility in change their country system according to the individual culture and national differences. Its also delineated by national boundaries. Local business units are given a freedom, autonomy and control towards their own operation system. In the other hand, this HRIS organizational model can give disadvantage like the information or operation will not communicate with one another and cause high cost because of re-innovation.

            Lastly, Transnational HRIS Organizational Model is the model mix all the global, multinational and international. The impact from this mixture, this model help organization or companies have the need to be sensitive to the requirement of local business units, have centralized operation which can obtain efficiencies and also sharing the learning and innovation across the worldwide organization. This organizational model is very flexible. 


Beaman k. and J. Walker A (2002) Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model. IHRIM     Journal

Tianyuan Yu (2009) A Review of Theories on Transnational Transfer of HR Practice within Multinationals. International Journal of Business and Management. 4, 5. 

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