Monday 3 December 2012


Nowadays, every company wanted everything operate faster and accurate. That’s why a lot of system is available to many Human Resource function. The traditional method is converted to web based or system.

Moreover, in storing data and information, organization doesn’t need to keep a lot of files and make a special big room for filling system. Thus, this system saves a lot of spaces that can be use for another purpose of work.

In applying any system, organization should have sufficient source such as high speed of internet connectivity and expert in design or handling the system to ensure the system flow runs efficiently.

Human Resource Management System actually helps employee become more aware of their responsibilities as a worker in their organization. They don’t just have to do their job, but they also need to facilitate employer on managing their own working information. Thus, an efficient system of Human Resource function help employee and employer work together in managing a lot of information faster and easier. 

Web Based Compensation & Planning

Compensation is the most important aspect in the organization. Employer should manage employees pay carefully because is related to employees monthly income. Thas what they working for. Usually, in managing compensation, manager facing a lot of difficulties such as the money might be insufficient or employee received wrong amount of pay. All these administrative of compensation takes a lot of cost. Thus, compensation system help employer plan and manage employees pay automatically without problem.

Some of the basic compensation includes basic and merit pay, short-term and long-term incentives, prequisites, recognition awards or retention or attrection awards. As we can see, all of them are important and surely must be coordinated perfectly.


Compensation system help manager in planning employee annual compensation. For example, data that manager get from the employees’ performance and wages can provide a standard report like “Annual Compensation Report”. It shows that, how much money spent by the company on the employee which include the basic pay, bonuses, allowence and other incentive pay. Jonathan Lister (2012) stated that a stratey plaan for employee compensation and benefit determine how much an organization want to pay their employee and what type of employees that organization want to attract. Having more employee with high qualification will lead to high productivity in the organization

Advantages and Disadvantages

Web based compensation have its own advantages. Manager can perform salary-planning function much easier rather than traditional paper based compensation and planning. Some company provide information related to compensation and planning. Thus, employee can self-service in find out what the rage of pay for any job provided. Despite that, diasadcantge for this system is in managing data of compensation. For example, in calculate employees pay and making any changes, employer might confuse and jump into bad decision. Thus, the system must be provide with the use of frozen or static database to ensure everyone is using the same data and information.

As conclusion, not all changes data in compensation can be made by the employee. Despite that, a strategy plan for compensation play a large role in attracting competent employees. In dealing with compensation information, the system must attched with the full of high security and safety. For example, in changing the amount of pay because of employee have been promoted, only senior manager or responsible party can make the changes in order to have a accurate and match between pay and position.


Michael J. Kavanagh, Mohan Thite and Richard D. Johnson (2011) Human Resource
Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions. SAGE Publications.

Web Based Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health is an important aspect in providing an organization with the smoothness of work operation and achieve goals. But, there are some reasons thet lead the organization toward the loose and low productivity such as old equipment and building as well as inexperienced employees. Employer and employee should aware of their environment and try to correct any danger occurred.

Occupational Safety and Health System Vs. Paper Based Occupational Safety and Health
In one hand, for example, employee who found any hazard around them in the workplace usually have no time to make a report. It is because, by using traditional paper based, they have to go to the occupational safety and health department which maybe far from their own department and fill in the form which has a lot of information to fill in. All this activities takes time to complete reporting the hazard. Employees are not motivated to make any report on safety and health around them. In the other hand, through the web based occupational safety and health, employee are become motivated to report any hazard around the building. They just need to online, open the website provides by the organization on reporting hazard. Moreover, Ergonomic factor all so can be consider for employee to make a report such as improper table and chair position to perform their work as well as, the lightning which to bright for employee to do their job.

Information Management
Organization should set up a proper system for data exchange and sharing in development control and hazard management. The design of the website should be interactive towards the quality of information and content provided as well as the usability of the website which shows the effectiveness of the system.

This Occupational Safety and Health system also can be link with the compensation system. Employee who has a good safety and health activities can be rewarded with bonuses which will be link into compensation system. In ensure the information are accurate, the system must be up-to-date weather the information provide by employee and employer. The data flow will be sufficient along the organization.

Every organization should run their work operation in high performance and at the same time focusing on occupational safety and health at workplace. Companies are more concern about employee’s health and well-being. This is because employees are the core asset of the companies. They are the individual who will establish the positive environment in the organization.


Giliberti C. And Bedini A (2012) Analysis and evaluation of good practices in the design of
internet sites dedicated to electromagnetic fields and health. The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 31(4) 1198-1211

Ewa Merson M. , Montoya L.  and Paresi C (2004). Manage data – manage hazards
Development of urban hazard information infrastructure for the city of Windhoek, Namibia. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. 15(3) 276-293

Web Based Employee Learning & Development

This HR function help employee perform effectively and efficiently in their job. Employees who perform usually organization will give benefit like bonuses, award and appreciation whereas employees who not perform will be sent for training like excellent customer services program or team building training program.

Web based employee learning and development or employee learning and development system help plan and observe the employee training, employee’s performance and career development. It is also help to analyze and recommend a effective training program and analyze which training program is succeed and 
based on employee performance appraisal.
Component of Employee Learning and Development System

There is five component of employee learning and development system. Every component have it own important function. First, employee personal information. This component is basic and essential to help manager know who is the employee are like the ID staff, employee’s name, age, address and their position in the company. Second, the performance before training. This component help manger to know their current performance of employee, which level of performance and education. All this can be seen using the Key Performance Index (KPI).  KPI will show to the employee what is their current achievement, which aspect to improve and much more. Third, training course. Based from this component, employee can determine the course code and name, module, date of training will be start and end, the trainer and subject matter experts, the training method as well as the length of course. This component can help employee to get the training information easily to ensure them prepare all of the job and personal things before going to the training program. Fourth, the transfer of training help employee use what they have learn, apply it into the organization while they perform their job. Learning that employee can get is from forum, video conference and outdoor skill training on the system. Last but not least, the program evaluation which explain how the employee will be rate. We can use various methods to evaluate, there will have evaluator in training, result and transfer of training.


Web based employee learning and development give a lot of advantages. Employees have their own authority to manage their learning like find themselves any suitable training. At the same time, this system improved employee computer skill and after they became skillful, they can find any information faster and cut a lot of cost if they use traditional paper-based system. Employees become empowered in performing their task. 


Michael J. Kavanagh, Mohan Thite and Richard D. Johnson (2011) Human Resource

Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions. SAGE Publications. 

Tuesday 23 October 2012


HRIS is build from a various elements and if one of the elements does not well function, it will cause all of the system fail. This is because, HRIS is one of the tools to help organization managed large portion of information in the organization like management, financial and human resource department, worker and supplier.

According to the efficiency of HRIS, employee need to take a look on many factors that derive the success of HRIS which include the type of HRIS technological architecture system, HRIS Organizational Model, the general model and many more. This entire factor can facilitate the ways information shared, update, use, store, deliver, present and manage.

            Lastly, organization should have batter knowledge to develop a batter HRIS System which can help organization gain effectiveness in productivity as well as profitability. It is because, with well managed information of the organization, the organization management will become more systematic inside and outside as well as the accurate result gain from valid source of human resource information. 

Web-Based Employee Self-Service

Web-Based Employee Self-Service is an web-based application that help employee provide their personal data through the interactive technology interaction with employer. Nowadays, peoples wanted everything to be faster such as utilities payment, give and get information as well as sending report. Besides that, it is a bonus and advantage if the system fully facilitate business or operation efficiently.

Traditional paper-based processes

            Based on these global and faster situations nowadays, before this employee need to fill out forms to request holidays manually by HR department. Web-Based Employee Self-Service is technologies that can save cost by eliminates or reduce the need for traditional paper-based processes. The information also become more systematic in order employees want to find or update the latest information for their personal information in the company, applying for leave and get the latest information about what happening in the organization such as bulletin.

Example of HRIS Software

            Employer can use Web-Based Employee Self-Service as one of their ways to empowering their worker. Beside information can be share, the goal clearly determine, employee are given autonomy to make their own decision within the certain limitation and their effort appreciated, employee empowerment also need to be done if the training and sources provided as well as support by other employee or top management in the organization (Fox, 1998). Based on this definition, Web-Based Employee Self-Service help empowering employees if the employee provide with the source of the service and training on the effective way to use the Web-Based Employee Self-Service.

            Employee can get the information or news by themselves. The organization can build a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) website to store and access data. Employee can easily update their personal information, their achievement, performance appraisal and so on will be updated by the HR department, and employee also can apply for leave only on the same HRIS website. All employee need to do is to login in order to access their HRIS account. By having the username and password, employee information and personal record are more secure. Other employee cannot access except the HR team who have the authority to access employees HRIS account.

            The website of HRIS also must be user-friendly. It is also include the website design, features and easy to operate which encouraged employee to always use and update using the HRIS website. The result should be positive implication which is it really make the employee become empowered and save cost by using Web-Based Employee Self-Service. 


Fox, J. (1998) Employee Empowerment: An Apprenticeship Model.

Melcrum Publishing Ltd. (2005) Emerald Article: Employee self-service at RDF. Strategic HR Review. 4(6)

Transnational HR System

There are 4 types of HRIS Organizational Model which is Multinational, International, Global and Transnational. The great thing of Transnational HRIS organizational model is it a mixture of multinational, international and global organizational model. Transnational is a current era of Information System according to nowadays increasing globalization.

            Global HRIS Organizational Model can be called one size fix all. It is because Global HRIS is centralized and very low flexibility. Global HRIS is focusing in maximizing efficiency and also focus on build a single standardized organization within a similar operating environment.

            International HRIS Organizational Model is focus on innovation and learning. It show the balance between central oversight and local autonomy. The advantages for this HRIS organizational model is it share cross border learning and innovation. It help the transfer and adaptation of knowledge and information to the other business units from any country that develops it. In other word, one information is made, all of the units across country also get the information update automatically. This model also not completely changes country system as a whole.

            Multinational HRIS Organizational Model can be seen as have many branches, based on country needs, localization and customizations. It has a high flexibility in change their country system according to the individual culture and national differences. Its also delineated by national boundaries. Local business units are given a freedom, autonomy and control towards their own operation system. In the other hand, this HRIS organizational model can give disadvantage like the information or operation will not communicate with one another and cause high cost because of re-innovation.

            Lastly, Transnational HRIS Organizational Model is the model mix all the global, multinational and international. The impact from this mixture, this model help organization or companies have the need to be sensitive to the requirement of local business units, have centralized operation which can obtain efficiencies and also sharing the learning and innovation across the worldwide organization. This organizational model is very flexible. 


Beaman k. and J. Walker A (2002) Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model. IHRIM     Journal

Tianyuan Yu (2009) A Review of Theories on Transnational Transfer of HR Practice within Multinationals. International Journal of Business and Management. 4, 5.