Tuesday 23 October 2012


HRIS is build from a various elements and if one of the elements does not well function, it will cause all of the system fail. This is because, HRIS is one of the tools to help organization managed large portion of information in the organization like management, financial and human resource department, worker and supplier.

According to the efficiency of HRIS, employee need to take a look on many factors that derive the success of HRIS which include the type of HRIS technological architecture system, HRIS Organizational Model, the general model and many more. This entire factor can facilitate the ways information shared, update, use, store, deliver, present and manage.

            Lastly, organization should have batter knowledge to develop a batter HRIS System which can help organization gain effectiveness in productivity as well as profitability. It is because, with well managed information of the organization, the organization management will become more systematic inside and outside as well as the accurate result gain from valid source of human resource information. 

Web-Based Employee Self-Service

Web-Based Employee Self-Service is an web-based application that help employee provide their personal data through the interactive technology interaction with employer. Nowadays, peoples wanted everything to be faster such as utilities payment, give and get information as well as sending report. Besides that, it is a bonus and advantage if the system fully facilitate business or operation efficiently.

Traditional paper-based processes

            Based on these global and faster situations nowadays, before this employee need to fill out forms to request holidays manually by HR department. Web-Based Employee Self-Service is technologies that can save cost by eliminates or reduce the need for traditional paper-based processes. The information also become more systematic in order employees want to find or update the latest information for their personal information in the company, applying for leave and get the latest information about what happening in the organization such as bulletin.

Example of HRIS Software

            Employer can use Web-Based Employee Self-Service as one of their ways to empowering their worker. Beside information can be share, the goal clearly determine, employee are given autonomy to make their own decision within the certain limitation and their effort appreciated, employee empowerment also need to be done if the training and sources provided as well as support by other employee or top management in the organization (Fox, 1998). Based on this definition, Web-Based Employee Self-Service help empowering employees if the employee provide with the source of the service and training on the effective way to use the Web-Based Employee Self-Service.

            Employee can get the information or news by themselves. The organization can build a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) website to store and access data. Employee can easily update their personal information, their achievement, performance appraisal and so on will be updated by the HR department, and employee also can apply for leave only on the same HRIS website. All employee need to do is to login in order to access their HRIS account. By having the username and password, employee information and personal record are more secure. Other employee cannot access except the HR team who have the authority to access employees HRIS account.

            The website of HRIS also must be user-friendly. It is also include the website design, features and easy to operate which encouraged employee to always use and update using the HRIS website. The result should be positive implication which is it really make the employee become empowered and save cost by using Web-Based Employee Self-Service. 


Fox, J. (1998) Employee Empowerment: An Apprenticeship Model.

Melcrum Publishing Ltd. (2005) Emerald Article: Employee self-service at RDF. Strategic HR Review. 4(6)

Transnational HR System

There are 4 types of HRIS Organizational Model which is Multinational, International, Global and Transnational. The great thing of Transnational HRIS organizational model is it a mixture of multinational, international and global organizational model. Transnational is a current era of Information System according to nowadays increasing globalization.

            Global HRIS Organizational Model can be called one size fix all. It is because Global HRIS is centralized and very low flexibility. Global HRIS is focusing in maximizing efficiency and also focus on build a single standardized organization within a similar operating environment.

            International HRIS Organizational Model is focus on innovation and learning. It show the balance between central oversight and local autonomy. The advantages for this HRIS organizational model is it share cross border learning and innovation. It help the transfer and adaptation of knowledge and information to the other business units from any country that develops it. In other word, one information is made, all of the units across country also get the information update automatically. This model also not completely changes country system as a whole.

            Multinational HRIS Organizational Model can be seen as have many branches, based on country needs, localization and customizations. It has a high flexibility in change their country system according to the individual culture and national differences. Its also delineated by national boundaries. Local business units are given a freedom, autonomy and control towards their own operation system. In the other hand, this HRIS organizational model can give disadvantage like the information or operation will not communicate with one another and cause high cost because of re-innovation.

            Lastly, Transnational HRIS Organizational Model is the model mix all the global, multinational and international. The impact from this mixture, this model help organization or companies have the need to be sensitive to the requirement of local business units, have centralized operation which can obtain efficiencies and also sharing the learning and innovation across the worldwide organization. This organizational model is very flexible. 


Beaman k. and J. Walker A (2002) Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model. IHRIM     Journal

Tianyuan Yu (2009) A Review of Theories on Transnational Transfer of HR Practice within Multinationals. International Journal of Business and Management. 4, 5. 

HRIS System & HRIS System Architecture

HRIS System

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is the collaboration of databases, application of computer, hardware and software needed to collect or record, store, manage, deliver, present and manipulate data from human resources (Broderick and Boudreau, 1992). Applying HRIS into organization system help organization become more efficient in managing their human resource data and information.

In one hand, HRIS should give benefit to the organization such as easily get the accurate information, faster in getting the information as well as the saving of cost (Lederer, 1984; Tetz, 1973; Wille and Hammond, 1981). In the other hand, HRIS also have it barrier to be apply. According to Beckers and Bsat (2002), the major obstacle in implementing HRIS is the setting up cost will be high. Lack of support from the top management is also the factor of why the HRIS is hard to be implementing beside the insufficient of money (Kovach and Cathcart, 1999). This barrier can lead to not achieving the full potential of HRIS. Other than that, the need of HR knowledge by HRIS designer is also important to ensure the system is trully support the process of storing and getting the HR information.

HRIS System Architecture.

            In HRIS, there are 3 type of HRIS technological architecture system which is Standalone System Model, Data Warehouse Model and Single Integrated Model. All this 3 architecture have their own differences such as the suitable of organization, the ways of transferring data, the ways of operating and many more.

            Standalone System model is the most basic model. This system model can be categorize in the difficult system to do the analysis. It is because, they are using its own independent system while runs each operating units without integration. It is not effective in doing a decision making and waste of time. It can be used in multinational organization. The way of information will be update usually using fax, telephone, mail and in person.

            Data Warehouse Model is more linkage and also batter than standalone system model. The data update automatically from all operating unit. Beside all units run same version of the software, it also maximizing resources, saving costs, shared application and enterprise in dealing with vendor. It can be used in international organization.

            Single Integrated System Model suite for the global and transnational organization. It connects directly with database. Its also using the same screens worldwide with appropriate changes for different language in different country. 


E.W.T. Ngai and F.K.T. Wat. (2006) Human resource information systems: a review and empirical analysis. Personnel Review. 35 (3), 297-314


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello everyone.  I would like to introduce myself as my first entry in this blog. It is importan to get know each other first before we continue with other things. Right?

Ezzah :)
My name is Nur Ezzah binti Zakaria. People in school and university call me Ezzah or Eza. In My families call me Along as a first child from 5 sibling. So, it’s up to you which one you want to call me, but as friends, I prefer Eza. I was born at October 21st 1989 in Segamat, Johor and now Kota Tinggi is my home. My parent is working as a teacher as well as my grandparent.

My education before study at University Technology Malaysia is Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tun Habab. It’s a Smart School. I’m so happy because I given a chance to study there.

Last but not least, I love art, travel and shopping. The most things that I like are photography and vediography. That’s all I think. Until we meet again in the next entry.